Moving on to time strategies has me thinking if I really am using my time wisely when it comes to the many things I have to fit into my day. The truth is yes I think I have very good time management skills. This might have come with age. I'm nearly 30 and the many different jobs I've had over the years have all helped towards building this skill. There was always some type of time management needed in each of these jobs whether it be project deadlines or waiting for a ladies colour to be done and making sure my next lady was back at the same time (I was a hairdresser once upon a time). I looked at two different articles to do with time management and there is some things I can take from it but i feel some was more of a reminder then new information. Being a mature student I dont have family helping me through college like I would have had fresh out of school. This has resulted in me having to work long hours while attending full time college in order to be able to pay for it. Top this off with assignments and trying to have somewhat of a social life and it does make for a 'busy' day.
'The Myth of "Too Busy"' by Tim Grahl was an interesting read. From the start I was agreeing with him but by the end I wasn't so sure I was getting any new information to help me with my time management skills. He explains to use your time wisely in your day and if something isnt bettering your career cut it out. I do agree to a certain extent but personally I also feel theres a lot to say about having downtime to yourself and letting yourself watch that TV show you're currently obsessed with, or letting yourself go on FB and the other social medias for awhile. We all use our down time differently and who knows when inspiration can strike. Tim has children and a wife which is a lifestyle I know nothing about so we don't have similarities in that way. Prioritisation is key and I know that. In my own life College is the top tier followed by work then assignments, but I will always have to slot in that down time as well because without being able to go on the social medias or out for drinks with friends I think you would drive yourself insane. I don't really see a problem with the word 'busy' like Grahl does. Life is busy we cant prioritise for everything. Maybe that I think I am quite good with my time and there wasn't any new information I am finding it hard to connect with what he is trying to say. However his opinion that the word 'busy' has become nearly a "point of pride" for people did make me laugh as this is definitely the case in 2021.
The second article I read was 'Increase your creative output with 14 time management tips just for creatives' on Canva. I really enjoyed this article and felt it had better tips and actual solutions to problems instead of pointing out the obvious. It starts with managing your energy levels not your time. I thought this was really interesting and kind of set up the following tips. The idea of doing the assignment you like the least first was really interesting to me and then ending with something you enjoy doing. I can see the benefits in this. Ive always had the mind set of ending on a high so this makes total sense to me. Right now when doing assignments and work I start with something relatively easy to get the ball rolling and when I'm in the zone I move onto the harder assignment briefs. I can see the benefits of getting something you have been dreading out of the way and then being able to concentrate on the work you have been looking forward to. The feeling of accomplishment will be the driving force for the rest of the day. Also using your energy on a task you find harder than the others makes sense to me. Another part of this article I found useful was the use of apps like IFTTT. This is something Ive never heard about but something I'm going to look into more as I think once used properly could really help with a busy day. A list at the end of the day for the following day(s) was another idea I think ill take forward with me. Having all your tasks wrote down in front of you and a good schedule laid out for the following day(s) can help to ease some pressure off you. Maybe it isn't as bad as you thought after writing it all down. My favourite part of this article is that they realise we have to disconnect and unwind and that doesn't mean we just sleep. Theres no shame in watching that episode of project runway or spending your down time how you want to. We work hard we deserve to take a break and spend our time as we want.
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