Unity Tutorial 01. Coding = Headaches

This was the part I was most looking forward to. Learning new tools and software to help create a game. I really enjoyed this lesson. It took a bit of time to get used to using Unity and Visual Studio but by the end of the three lessons I felt I was getting my grove and was understanding the software and the power that C# holds. If I had to say one negative it would be that I don't fully understand the code I was using and what it does. He spoke about the public and private for certain coding and I don't really understand why yet. I feel like over time and with a bit of extra research I'll start understanding why Im using certain codes rather then just following the tutorial and doing things because he tells me to.

This was the layout I chose for my unity. I wanted to still be able to see images from the different Assets like the obstacles and vehicles so I felt this was the best option. I also wanted to be able to see both the Scene mode and Game mode from the different angles. I found the Command D shortcut useful when doing duplicates of the crates on the road for the vehicle to hit.

Another great tip was to change the colour of when playing in game mode. The amount of times I changed numbers and figures for the vehicle or the crate position and then I realised I was in the wrong mode and had to do the whole thing again. I kind of wish this was one of the first things they tell you to do because it would have saved me a lot of heartache.

This is the code that right now I don't really understand. I had to get used to using Visual Studio as well as Unity. The good thing about Visual Studio is it really seems to help with the code. If something isn't working it helps you and tells you the code is wrong which really helped when i was doing lesson 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.

Im looking forward to going further with Unity and this game development part of the module. I hope with time comes a lot more understanding and progression with game development.


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