Unity Tutorial 2

For this weeks assignment in Unity I had ups and downs very much like the plane I had to code. I started the assignment on a positive note as this is the type of work Im interested in, the designing of a game. This excitement and interested quickly depleted as I could not figure out where I was going wrong with my code. Every time I looked at it I thought it looked right and I didn't understand why my plane wouldn't rotate up or down. Then it hit me. I remember reading before I started the task there was an additional step a Mac had to do in order to make the plane move up and down. It turns out I wasn't doing anything wrong I just missed this step. The relief I felt and the impending breakdown slowly faded. 

I am really enjoying the unity challenges and this week it was definitely a challenge. It was great to learn how to move the vehicles in a particular way and using the rotate code and fining out the extent it can be used. I am happy that I was able to figure out how to make the plane move and fix the issues with it on my own. With this work its hard to know if you are really understanding it as you are just watching videos and copying the work so this gave me a little boost in I am somewhat understanding. The propeller was another problem all together. I had to look up ways in order to make the propeller move on its own. It came down to coding it locally instead of globally so that it moved as a child of the parent plane. This part kind of linked to what we learn in web development about parent divs and their children. So far I'm really enjoying Unity even as frustrating as it can be but I still don't know how I am going to make my own game. I guess with a lot of luck and watching extra tutorials!

Here is a photo of my plane mid flight with the propeller also rotating!


  1. Hey Kevin, I’m glad you completed the plane challenged and got your plane flying. I too have a love/hate relation with unity. I also enjoyed this weeks challenge it definitely challenged us. That’s such a good idea too watching videos if you’re having any sort of difficulty, I’ll definitely apply it next time if I have a problem.
    Love reading your blog.


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