Unity Tutorial 07


For this weeks Unity tutorial I found it really enjoyable and by the end a little bit confusing. It was interesting seeing a different type of game being made in these tutorials this week. The tutorial started by adding a focal point for the game which I found to be really helpful. This centred the game around a point. It also helped me realise the positioning of everything within the game better. Using the reset to 0 and then just adding figures to the different axis clicked with me this week. 

I think the most interesting thing this week I learned was the power up system and how to use it in a game. This can be taken forward in any game really. It can be a key part of a game to keep interest and make the player want to play more. More my own game I can see myself using this script in order to make my player run faster or slower, depending on the situation. As well this tutorial was great for reminding on the old scripts used in the other tutorials. Making sure to have box colliders on things you want to interact and reintroducing the tagging system to name items in the hierarchy. With every tutorial I find myself trying to figure out how some of the script could fit into my own game which I'm enjoying.


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