Week 9 Reading and Writing

For this module there was a a weekly reading task that normally consisted of two or three readings and the occasional video to watch. This was an interesting part of the module. When it comes to me and reading I can think of nothing worse. I find it really hard to keep my interest and keep focus when I am reading. Words get jumbled and it seems a lot of the time the information is hard to stick in my mind. When I realised there was a heavy reading part to this module I could feel the anxiety creep in. Looking back over the past 9 weeks here are my thoughts on this side of the module.

Firstly I actually enjoy learning new things and I really do want to like reading. This part was always going to be a big challenge for me but every week (bar one) I did the reading assignment to try and better myself and my knowledge in different areas of this module. The readings were generally very interesting and I liked getting other peoples perspectives on some of the topics. One of my favourite readings and one that keeps popping into my mind as I am creating my game was the game flow state reading. I think as I was reading about it I was imagining exactly the games it was describing. These weekly tasks were difficult for me but I wanted to put my all into it and the only way of getting better at reading and taking in the information would be to keep at it and get stronger when it comes to reading and understanding. I found myself taking notes as I read. The key information I would take down in a notepad with a little explanation so that when I went to write about what I just learned I would have some information there to help me on my thoughts. I found this did really help. Also what really helped me was when there was a video with the readings. Sometimes I would watch this video first as a pre reading information about the topic. This would help me as I was reading as it would give some kind of visual to the information I was taking in when reading. Things like this help me to retain the information. I did enjoy doing the readings each week for the most part as it is good to broaden your information about a topic even though I find it difficult. It is something I will have to keep at and try to better myself at. Right now I am happy with my game project. I didn't know how I was going to manage the workload for this semester when I started but I kept at it and my time management skills really came into play. This module had so much in it and so many different aspects in order to gain marks and I feel I was really good at keeping on top of things and still doing the tasks to a high standard which Im proud of. Its not over yet but I can see the finish line and I just need to keep at the pace I'm going and I will hopefully do well.

This image might not look like much to other people but to me it looks like a game I've worked really hard on and thats nearly complete! Looking at it reminds me how much I have put into this module this semester.

Looking forward I don't know what more I needed from this module. As far as the reading and writing is concerned I think I got a lot out of the module. Maybe some additional feedback in some readings and writings but even at that it isn't a huge deal to me. I enjoyed the process even though my understanding might not always have been 100%. I also enjoy blogging now which I didn't think I would. I don't know how long I would keep it up for but it is nice to have your thoughts down in one area, as scatter brainy as I am.


  1. it is really great getting another person point of view with a similar situation you are going through and the work that you are doing i really enjoyed this post because it is also a similar mindset that i am with trying to get things done for this module and going forward i hope there many things that you hoped to work with you goes very well


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