
For this final week with my game I wanted to try fix a bit of the code that didn't seem to be working and also add some sound effects when the player crashes and in the background as you play the game. For some reason none of my code will work and I have tried everything. I did add a background sound but when I tried to add a crash sound with my player and the obstacle it wasn't as successful. 

I also tried to fix the code to stop the game moving when a game over happens. Unfortunately this also did not work, so I'm not doing great on this final week. I wanted to end on a positive for the final project blog. I started this module not knowing anything about making a game and what it entails and now I can say I created something that is similar to a game. I don't know if I would go and call it a fully working 'Flowstate' game but it definitely has features that contribute to an interesting game. 

I enjoyed learning a new code even if I still find it slightly difficult to grasp but it was interesting to see how a game comes together and is created. It was also interesting to see the different stages of game development in the background and the different tools you need to create a working game.

In my game I have a player and a score board that increases the longer you stay in play. If you hit a broken mirror obstacle it's game over. This is probably the most basic game you could play but at least I can say I enjoyed making it... for the most part! Who knows what I will create with Unity next.

Stay tuned for the trailer...


  1. Hello Kevin, the graphics in your game look good, I like how you have the side content walls slanted, it kind of gives the impression that the avatar is moving across a tunnel. I also like the visual of the sun setting and the cities in the distance. I hope you can fix the few issues you have with you game. Overall, I think you game is great, and I look forward to playing it.


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