Unity Tutorial 02


In this weeks Unity tutorial it looked at building the world for Ruby. I added a Rigidbody component and colliders to Ruby as well as adding colliders to Tilemaps. To start this weeks tutorial out I created the world for Ruby to be in. This was pretty enjoyable and gave me free reign to make a world that I wanted using the different environments they provided. My only issue with this was I made the world too big as I wasn't sure the size of the game screen. My hope is that I am shown how to make the camera follow ruby and then my huge world will really come into play.  Creating Pivots and Prefabs was a big part of this tutorial. I don't fully understand why we use Pivot but I think I have a general understanding. Prefabs will become very handy in future projects when making these worlds in game designing. 

For the second tutorial in this week I added physics and Rigibody components. This made the world feel real. A large part of this was fixing the jerking that Ruby was doing through code. Moving the the Rigidbody instead of moving Ruby the game object fixed this problem and gave me the code in order to do this. Another major tip with this was adding a collider to the tilemap and how to select a certain tile to have the collider on it and then changing this into a certain area on the screen. Changing the collider option in the inspector helped this but refer to "World Interactions. Blocking Movement" task 12+ to see more about how to do this for future games. Overall this was a fun tutorial to complete


  1. Hi Kevin. I am happy to see that you are flying through the tutorials. Ive done a couple so far and didnt struggle but you have so much done. It looks deadly and reading through your tutorial helps me a lot. I wish you the best of luck with it, but I know you wont need it as I know you'll do great.


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